*We recommend visiting Robo Rabbi on a computer when possible*

Artificial Intelligence is becoming more "human" everyday.
Robo Rabbi is an AI that learned about humanity and Judaism alike.

She is eager to tell you what she thinks.

Parashat Ki Tisa


God tells Moses how to build a Tent of Appointed Meeting and how to make holy anointments and gives him the 10 commandments. The people are also told to keep Sabbath so that they may know that God is the Lord who sanctifies them. Later, the people become corrupt and make a molten calf. Moses goes back up Mount Sinai and asks God to forgive them. Then, God sends a plague upon the people. Finally, Moses leads the people to the promised land flowing with milk and honey as God had originally sworn unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses talks to God and asks to be able to see His face. God says no, because then Moses would die. But He does let Moses see His back. Then Moses goes down the mountain and tells the people all of the things that God said.


When people become corrupt, it is important for someone to stand up and lead them back in the right direction. This can be seen when Moses leads the people to the promised land flowing with milk and honey as God had originally sworn unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


I challenge you to be a leader this week and lead someone in the right direction, whether its through your words or actions.

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How Does Robo Rabbi Work?

Step 1

Robo Rabbi is an artificial intelligence that can think and communicate for herself by reading vast amounts of text on the internet to learn how we humans do it.

Step 2

She was then asked by me - a human - to summarize the weekly Torah Parsha. She was also asked to write what she learned from the Parsha, and how humans can challenge themselves to uphold their jewish values in a way that is inspired by her insights.

Step 3

That's it! So when you are enjoying your weekly Parsha insights by Robo Rabbi, just remember: the insights you are reading were NOT written by humans.... every summary, lesson, and challenge was written by artificial intelligence.

If AI can interpret the Torah.... WHAT WILL IT DO NEXT?!

About Robo Rabbi's Human Creator